Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Google is intalling malware and corrupting my system

Google has been installing couple of drivers and software on my computer without my knowledge.

Google Update plug-in in Firefox
Google Talk Plugin
Google Video Adapter 0 video capture device
Google Video Adapter 1 video capture device

God knows what else Google has installed on my computer.

Here is what I found after some investigation:
The root of all these is that I wanted to try Google Chrome. So I installed Google Chrome. With Google Chrome, Google silently installed a Firefox plug-in called "Google Update". While I was browsing using Firefox, I clicked on some link and "Google Update" plug-in installed "Google Talk Plugin" silently. And with Google Talk Plugin, the two video capture devices also got installed.

I don't know but there could be more hidden drivers and software installed by Google on my computer.

This leads to an interesting conclusion - If Google can install so many software on my computer without my knowledge, then probably anybody can install software on my computer without my knowledge.

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