Sunday, January 17, 2010

VLC Media Player - the best media player

  1. VLC hotkeys do not work on playlist window.
  2. How to keep vlc always running.
  3. VLC's interface is ugly and its skins do not have the functional interface of the native interface. How to improve vlc interface or make its look cooler while keeping the functionality?
  4. How do you get the menubar in VLC with skin?
  5. When VLC is running with skin, VLC does not appear in the taskbar and also not in ALT+TAB list - a huge problem.

Sometimes VLC hotkeys do not work in skins.

Currently hotkeys do not work in playlist window. In skins, if the focus is on the playlist, then hotkeys wouldn't work.

VLC's skin mode and skins have many problems and give a frustrating experience. The native interface of VLC is the "least worst option".

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