Friday, January 15, 2010

ubuntu 9.10 and NS2 2.33 installation problem - make: *** [tk3d.o] Error 1

I was getting this mysterious error while installing NS2 2.33 on Ubuntu 9.10:
make: *** [tk3d.o] Error 1
tk8.4.11 make failed! Exiting ...
For problems with Tcl/Tk see

Here is what worked for me. I installed a few packages, and it fixed the above problem:

sudo apt-get install tcl tk build-essential autoconf automake libxmu-dev libtool

Unfortunately, there are many more problems. Ubuntu 9.10 has lot of problems with backward compatibility. I thought Ubuntu was different from other Linux distributions and would respect the backward compatibility, but it has disappointed me. Some guys have done some hard work on making ns2 work on Ubuntu 9.10, details on this blog - Easiest way to install ns2 on ubuntu 9.10. But I am not comfortable with this one. So I am going to revert back to Ubuntu 9.04 and go with that.

Linux is very good at sucking your precious time.

1 comment:

  1. Install Network Simulator 2 ( NS2) Within 2 Minutes

    Hi Friendssss.......Now You can Install NS2 in Ubuntu within Two Minutes..No tedious task of Changing environment and all etc.. U just Download the link(.rar file) Provided below.. and Extract the Files and Just Double click on them ..thats it Dudes.. now you have installed Ns2 in Ubuntu in two Minutes.. to got installed or not just go to terminal and type ns then you will get % Symbol just exit the terminal.. to run a Tcl file go to terminal and type ns now U can see the Nam animator.. Congratsssssssss....
    Download Link..and refer..
